Categories: News

Welcome back: things you may have missed while you were checked out for Christmas

If you hate your job, don’t miss our news about Tough Mudder hiring

A midweek Christmas, like we had this year, means everyone checks out early and stays away longer. We were no exception, but we still got a few things out there that you might have missed while you were carousing with friends and family and not goofing off at your desk working hard:

Your terrible credit score is keeping you from finding love

Would you have skipped college to work in an oil field?

Gyms where you can cheaply keep your weight loss resolution

There are some killer jobs out there

Houston has a restaurant named in honor of Brooklyn

Millenials are leading the charge to wine in pouches

The Subway Time app is out for Android phones already

A Random House staffer gladly takes a 50 Shades of Grey bonus

David Colon :