The Week in Broketown, 1/19 – 1/23


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We were unimpressed with SNL’s trip to Bushwick

-Here’s all you need to know about doing music and comedy PR

-The MTA fare hike got here

Adult preschool showed up too, and it’ll only cost you $333. What a bargain!

-Peak-say ood-gay pig latin? A fancy Cambridge study wants you

-We searched from the top (Greenpoint) to the bottom (Bay Ridge) of BK for cheap apartments

-The girls from Broad City focused on leaning in for episode two

-We met the lawyer who’ll rescue your security deposit

-An expert had advice on how not to die falling through a sidewalk cellar door

We loved Lock Yard enough to make it our back yard and we loved sitting and sipping at Sayra’s Wine Bar

David Colon :