Categories: News

The week in Broketown, 11/14-11/18

As if you weren't drooling all over your laptop already. via IG user @madame.lamande
Nacho average week.

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New Yorkers responded to post-Trump racism in typical New York style.

The NY Post coined the new worst word in NYC real estate.

We talked to the founder of the most wholesome sex parties in New York.

We sought cheesy relief in the 8 best nachos in Brooklyn.

We got pretty sick of your “grab em by the” whatever jokes.

Comedians planned a 31-hour anti-Trump comedy marathon.

We rounded up 5 sweet jobs you can apply for today.

LoftOpera talked to us about their upcoming show in a chocolate factory.

Transportation Alternatives stood in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.

Comedians told us about their post-Trump Plan B.

Tim Donnelly :