Tomorrow night, let’s get pregnant at Havemeyer Park

You will believe dancing can be this weird, thanks to the Cocoon Central Dance Team. via Facebook

You never want the words “late” and “pregnant” to be near each other, especially if you’re unfortunate enough to live in Texas or a similarly backwards state. The “pregnant” we’re talking about this time though is the Let’s Get Pregnant Comedy show, which is moving from Hank’s Saloon to Havermeyer Park tomorrow night, for an evening of outdoor comedy. You don’t want to be late to it though, because it’s gonna be awesome.

How awesome? Not only does the show have two of our favorites, Kate Berlant and Jo Firestone, but it’s also going to have a special appearance by the Cocoon Dance Team, who can make a comedy routine out of earnest, well-choreographed dancing. We don’t get how they do it either, but they were at our Christmas party and they were delightful. They’ll all be joined by Emmy Blotnick, Jacqueline Novak, Jessica Delfino and Greg Orme, who we’re unfamiliar with, but still, six comedians and a dance crew all for free is pretty great.

Just like at Hank’s, the show is completely free, but unlike at Hank’s it will take place under the stars, starting at 6pm, or what passes for under the stars in New York. We’ve said it before, but we’ll keep saying it, we think Two Tress is making an enormous mistake letting people have awesome events in the park. Because we’re gonna be in no mood to give it back when they actually want to build something on the site.

David Colon :