Categories: Careers

Cool gig alert: Totally chill, obscure lifestyle blogger Ivanka Trump is hiring an editor

Make America Lifestyle Brands again.

Media jobs are few and far between these days so we’re happy to point you to a sweet gig opportunity when it comes along, especially one that fits so well with our Brokelyn ethos. This super hip lifestyle brand, kinda like a Goop but for real people ya know, is hiring an editor and graphic designer. The site is run by little-known media entrepreneur named Ivanka Trump, who we predict you’ll be hearing a lot about in coming months as her rags-to-internet-riches story gets some attention (if the liberal media and their anti-lifestyle brand bias will ever give her some attention, that is). Her website already tackles the hard-hitting, comfort-the-afflicted coverage such as “What Does an Office and Project Manager Do?” “5 Tips for Negotiating Your Severance Package” and “Unveiling the New Trump Spa Suites at Trump National Doral Miami.”

The only downfall to this job is that Ivanka Trump and her most recent Plenty of Fish date recently outed themselves as one of those consummate “millennial” “hipsters” you always hear so much about (at least the liberal media don’t overlook this disturbing trend), lurking around McCarren Park probably getting her daddy to pay her rent while she spends her days acting like “blogging” is a real job ( ugh the worst). You should definitely apply to this job not as a joke or as any form of minor protest against her father, an equally obscure real estate developer and advocate for the rights of people afflicted with tiny, like really embarrassingly small, hands.

To apply for the jobs, go here.

(What, you don’t get sarcasm?)

Tim Donnelly :