The Brokelyn guide to making your own lip balm


Pucker up, broke people! Are your lips cracked up like mine are every winter? If they ARE then you’re in luck, I have a super-soothing lip balm remedy for you. And wait! Before you note that, you always buy lip balm and then put it in a pocket of one coat and then put your other coat on and then there’s no lip balm in your pocket when you need it – I have the solution to that problem too. This DIY lip balm recipe is quick and allows you to make enough for every bag and pocket in your possession. Just call me Ms. Fix-Your-Lips-For-the-Winter. Well actually, don’t because you’re going to do it yourself.

Here’s what you need to get started:

One jar of cold pressed coconut oil ($12/jar)
One bar of bees wax ($1/bar)
One tube of Vitamin E oil ($7 for 3 oz)
One jar of lavender oil ($10 for 1 oz)
One grater, a measuring spoon, a glass bowl, a saucepan and an empty Altoids box


Now I’m not going to lie to you. If you don’t have any of these ingredients you might set yourself back a pretty penny when you go to the health food store to get your supplies. But the thing is, everything but the wax is multipurpose. Coconut oil is good for massage lotion and you can cook with it. Vitamin E – in either pill form or gel is great for healing scars or tending to dry cuticles. And lavender oil will help you relax if you rub a drop or two our your temples at night before bedtime.

Now that I’ve convinced you, let’s get started. Pour a few drops of Vitamin E into a glass bowl or measuring cup and set the glass down into a pot of boiling water.


Grate down about 2 tablespoons of bees wax and combine that with 4 tablespoons of coconut oil scooped right out from the jar. Let that mixture melt together in the glass, stirring occasionally.


When all three of these ingredients look like one soft serum, pull the glass out of the heat and let cool for a minute. Add 10-12 drops of essential oil – at most.  Stir gently and pour into your metal box of choice.

You’ll probably want to dip your finger in right away, but don’t! The consistency will change as the liquid solidifies over night. If you must know what your balm will feel and taste like, dip an ice-cold metal spoon into the mixture and quick freeze a layer onto the metal for testing purposes.

So what was that, like 10 minutes tops? And you’ll have plenty of ingredients left over. So if you pick up another bar or two more of bees wax you have an almost unending supply of lip balm, or you can be a doll and make a few for your favorite friends.

Now go make out with someone with your refreshed and healthy lips, you young and impressionable rascals.

Emily Kramer :