Category: Handmade

Recipe 4 luv: How to make delicious, chocolatey (and cheap!) DIY Valentine’s Day treats!

Valentine's Day: though one could arguably claim that it's a fake holiday created by card and candy companies, but we…

The Brokelyn guide to making your own lip balm

Pucker up, broke people! Are your lips cracked up like mine are every winter? If they ARE then you're in…

Crafter slam! The Daily show needles Etsy makers

Remember Paul Ryan? He was that child actor the Republicans hired to try to run in between Barack Obama's legs…

How bazaar: Get ready for a whole month of night shopping

Brooklyn's answer to the recession: make consumerism a party! The Brooklyn Night Bazaar is back for a festive holiday season…

Artcoholics unite! 4 great drink-and-draw art classes in NYC

Brooklyn can make you pretty self-conscious if you didn’t crochet your own tea cozies or can the heirloom cucumbers you…

Sewing skills in the bag! Free bag-making workshop from Etsy

As a recovering Trader Joe's employee, I can confirm that yes, in fact, your cashier probably does sit in judgment…

10 groovy holiday gifts from Pinterest

Brokelyn writer Meredith Olson finds 10 fun and original DIY gift ideas on Pinterest, a virtual pinboard for food-fashion-decorating obsessives.

This sounds fun! Make your own body scrub workshop

Tomorrow (Sunday, Nov. 27) at Third Root in Ditmas Park: a workshop on how to make your own body cream,…

A boot-leggers’ Kombucha guide

If you're a member of “Dude, Where's my Kombucha” then you already know. Kombucha, the ancient Chinese remedy known by…

Make your cheap kite, and fly it too

Why fly a kite? Because it's “an excellent way... to gain a feel for aerodynamic forces,” says NASA. Because we…