Categories: Outings

Talk smarm and 16 other free ways to pass the time this week

Tom Scocca went to bat for snark on the internet, now see him do it live and in person. via Deadspin

1. Head to BAM and find out just how badd Angela Davis was at a free screening of Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners (Monday)

2. #girlsweek might be over here, but you can keep it going at BookCourt at a reading from the female-focused compilation True Tales of Lust and Love (Monday)

3. African authors Ishmael Beah and Dinaw Mengestsu come to Greenlight to talk about Beah’s new novelRadiance of Tomorrow, and heartwarming topics like civil war in Africa, child soldiers and foreign exploitation (Monday)

4. The first Game Night of 2014 will feature a performance from the identical twin brother comedy team The Lucas Brothers, and allegedly, a dance-off! (Monday)

5. Tom Scocca, who set every New York media person’s Twitter feed on fire with his “On Smarm” essay is bringing the argument to the real world at reading series Animal Farm, at Over the Eight. Or maybe he’ll talk about the Orioles, who knows? (Tuesday)

6. Get a little revolutionary with your comedy at the People’s Republic of Brooklyn’s Manifesto (Tuesday)

7. Repeat all of those things about the impact the Transformers had on the American Revolution, like you did in college, but get rewarded for it (unlike college) at Bullshit History at Freddy’s (Tuesday)

8. Hit up NoBar’s Trivial Dispute, because you can win booze and because you’ve been wanting a trivia game with a more aggressive title (Wednesday)

9. Learn how life with amnesia isn’t at all like how it is on a soap opera at a reading of David Stuart MacLean’s amnesia memoir, The Answer to the Riddle is Me: A Memoir of Amnesia (Wednesday)

10. The Bushwick Book Club is celebrating their fifth birthday in style, with performances based on Kurt Vonnegut’s classic Welcome to the Monkey House (Wednesday)

11. Check out a viewing party of Comedy Central’s NYC-based Broad City at Videology. Kate didn’t really love it, but maybe you will (Wednesday)

12. See what happens when artists stop being polite and start being real combining glass, wood, found objects and technology in their work at the UrbanGlass MFA exhibit (Thursday)

13. Escape your terrible reality, but with art and literature instead of drugs an alcohol at Brooklyn Fireproof Navigations/Destinations (Thursday)

14. It’s a karaoke night! It’s a pizza party! Can’t it be both? At Good Luck Karaoke, yes it can  (Thursday)

15. Greenpoint’s The Diamond is devoting a night to playing all the hits you hate to love. Look for a lot of Limp Bizkit, you secret aggro-bro (Friday)

16. Remember the simpler times in Beyonce’s life, like when she starred in ho-hum, not at all high concept things like a “hip-hopera” production of Carmen, with a screening of it at Videology (Friday)

17. Pete’s Mini-Zine Fest has a storytelling night, with the twist that storytellers tell their embarrassing stories while wearing masks or paper bags. Presumably they’re not announced, as that would ruin the whole shtick (Friday)

David Colon :