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Take the best picture of fall in the city to be the newest NYC Instagram Ambassador

If you can beat this, you can be Instagram famous. via Flickr user Chris Ford

Well, like we went over when counseling you on your non-Starbucks sugary fall coffee shop treat options, fall is here and is slowly closing its knitted grip around our throats. Some people treat this changeover by wishing it was still summer, but maybe you’re the type that enjoys the switch into fall and takes oodles of pictures of jack-o’-lanterns and dead leaves on the dirty ground. If so, one of those pictures can help you rocket to NYC-sponsored Instagram fame by becoming the city’s latest Instagram Ambassador for the fall.

You might remember the city celebrated the coming of spring by crowning some Instagram Ambassadors for the season. Now though, death has come, as it often does when the temperatures drop, and it’s time for someone to replace our spring Instagram ambassadors. Instead of pictures of people gleefully riding bikes or flowers blooming or any other signs of the city welcoming warm weather, the fall Instgram Ambassadors will be picked on the basis of their pictures that show off the city welcoming fall. So dead leaves on the ground, dead leaves on the trees, people who still somehow look good while bundled up in an attempt to ward of hypothermia and colds.

To enter the contest, upload your picture of people somehow enjoying fall here by November 1 and hope that the esteemed panel of judges made up of the likes of Chirlane McCray and Marty Markowitz are into it. You can also see what other folks are putting out there, you can check out the hashtag #AutumnInNYC. Winning means that you get featured on the official City of New York Instagram account all season, which opens you up to getting a bunch of followers, which then opens you up to leveraging your account to endorse shady diet pills in exchange for money.

David Colon :