Tag: worth the trip to manhattan

Dating app Dapper will send you on a free date for the new year

Online dating's a bit of a crapshoot, especially when you factor in how the internet seems to help people be…

Endure NYC’s most boring, offensive comedy and win cash this weekend

You there, do a bunch of spending on Christmas presents for your ungrateful friends and family, and are now looking…

Today only: You can snag some free Nutellasagna

So maybe you were reading about Nutellasagna last week and you really wanted to get some. Then you thought about…

Free food, free drinks at Veselka’s 60th birthday on Monday

Birthday parties are the best, except for the whole having to choose a gift or, even worse, split a check…

Free beer and fancy food is waiting for you Saturday at the Bedford + Bowery Bazaar

Here's the thing about Brooklyn's innumerable flea markets, from the very twee to the very not twee at all: sometimes…

Get an $8 cartoon tattoo at the Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival on Saturday

Hey dudes, do you know what every girl loves? A bad boy that's in touch with his sensitive side. Well…

Wednesday, eat NYC’s best pizza for just $1 at Slice Out Hunger

If you live in New York, you most likely love pizza. If you don't, we don't wanna hear about it.…

Saturday, see Ludlow and Rivington become (an unofficial) Beastie Boys Square

The Beastie Boys have about as solid a musical legacy in New York City as anyone, and while MCA has…

Get 50% off tix to veganism conversion event The Seed

You may have escaped Scientology, but the vegans are here, and they’re actively recruiting. The Seed is coming to town on Saturday,…

See Lena Dunham’s cracked psyche act out in ‘Too Many Lenas 3’

Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham. She's the name on everyone's lips at one point or another here in Real…