Tag: Williamsburg

Is Tumblr art? Find out on Saturday

The question "Yes, but is it art?" doesn't get asked very much these days. Probably because, like poetry, people like…

W’msburg is getting the Urban Outfitters it’s been clamoring for

Obviously it's been a long time since Williamsburg was thought of as anything approaching edgy (unless you were making a…

CheapFlix: Your guide to free and cheap screenings in Brooklyn

It’s an inescapable fact that free things to do are just a little harder to find in the colder than…

Sail home to your new shipping container apartment!

We've all been privy to the sad sight of Williamsburg getting swallowed up by fancy waterfront condos, and it feels…

Sweet: New Domino development doesn’t look horrible

We've spent plenty of time here bitching about the evils of real estate developers, not that we have anything to…

Hit up a Hootenanny and 12 other free ways to hang this week

1. Have a jam session at Greenlight Books with master jam maker Laena McCarthy of Anarchy in a Jar (Monday)…

Be a Derbytaunt and 14 other ways to spend the weekend

1. Hang with Miss America and Marty Markowtiz at the Fairway grand re-opening (Friday) 2. Stick it to Ted Cruz:…

For a taste of home abroad, head to Brooklyn-loving Moscow

News of Brooklyn's ultra-hipness made it overseas a while ago, with everyone from Parisians to Swedes trying to get their hands…

Gut punch: New film tackles Williamsburg gentrification

Since Brooklyn's gentrification is a multi-faceted and endlessly fascinating subject, it only makes sense that people keep discussing it. We've…

NEWS ALERT: Smorgasbug and Brooklyn flea are moving…half a block

It's just a few more weeks until Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg make their triumphant seasonal return, and the streets of…