Tag: trump

Trump ‘Pee on Me’ statues are taking over Park Slope sidewalks and it’s hilarious

We're not telling you what to do. But you know what to do.

Relive reality and guess the #AlternativeFacts with new family-friendly card game ‘Fake News/Real News’

As our brain's ability to continue processing the unbelievable ineptitude of the current Presidential Administration takes an increasing toll on our…

Ensure Trump ‘gets the help he needs’ for Tax Day by spamming the White House with 1040 forms

Tax Day is exactly a week away (it's next Tuesday, April 18), and as much as us individuals and small…

Lady Liberty went dark Tuesday, here’s how six more iconic buildings might protest Trump

In a poignant (albeit random and totally unplanned) display, the Statue of Liberty went dark for a few hours Tuesday night…

15 things Donald Trump’s campaign couldn’t afford in Brooklyn

Mr. Trump began June with just $1.3 million in cash on hand, a figure more typical for a campaign for…