Tag: star wars

Williamsburg’s cocaine bar of the 90’s, Kokie’s, is back, a renter’s guide to Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn Brewery’s beer mansion (and more links)

Friday news.

Sweet job alert: Disney is hiring a ‘Star Wars editor’

Put down that fan fiction you've been working on that ships Rey and Leia and that weird slash porn of Chewbacca and…

Jedi warns MTA L train overcrowding will wake the Sith

As we all know, the subway is overcrowded all the time these days, especially during rush hour. And especially the…

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from destroying the Empire to going to study hall

As that famous Irish band Bono and the Bono Bono Boys once sang, "It's a beautiful dayyyyyy/don't let it get…

A Gowanus venue is holding an all-day ‘Star Wars’ marathon this weekend

Star Wars is more than just a series of movies. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds…

Tonight: a musical combines ‘The Phantom Menace’ with ‘Annie’

If Star Wars ice cream and Star Wars in Machete Order isn't enough to break your Star Wars fever, you've…

Know the full flavor of the dark side with Ample Hills ‘Star Wars’-themed ice cream

Star Wars fever: huge swathes of America have caught it, throwing any caution we might have learned from the last…

Gowanus’ Halyards Bar is showing every ‘Star Wars’ movie in the nerdiest way possible

After all the hype and the counter-hype and the fear and the hope about what it could wind up being,…

The ink awakens: Get a $100 Star Wars tattoo for May the 4th

Despite all the damage George Lucas did to the mythos by introducing things like midichlorians, child actors and Jar Jar Binks…

Shakespeare’s Star Wars, and 12 other ways to put the free back in freedom this week

1. Hear how storytelling and immigration reform go together with artists at the Brooklyn Public Library. (Monday) 2. Supercollider screens Leni…