Categories: Careers

Sweet job alert: Disney is hiring a ‘Star Wars editor’

Star Wars: The Editor Strikes Back.

Put down that fan fiction you’ve been working on that ships Rey and Leia and that weird slash porn of Chewbacca and BB-8 you should probably keep to yourself anyway. Here’s your chance to turn your love of the Star Wars extended universe into a real job. Disney, the sweatshop factory pumping out Star Wars-related merchandise until the heat death of the universe, is hiring a “Star Wars editor,” which is probably the coolest name for an editing job to come along since Highlights magazine’s dinosaur editor. The gig is based in San Francisco and involves working on comics, magazines, books and other tie-in materials that will put your red lightsaber editing pen to much use.

The job is for “a highly creative and detail-oriented Senior Editor to work on a variety of Star Wars comic books & magazines, as well as a variety of fiction, nonfiction, and novelty books based upon the Star Wars saga.”

Qualifications include:

-Comprehensive knowledge of the Star Wars franchise (duh); familiarity with office software such as Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint and Adobe; experience in creating and managing digital content such as apps, e-books, and enhanced e-books a plus; doing or doing not because there is no trying; knowing that a parsec is a unit of distance not time but not really caring. It is unclear if you have to be able to tolerate the prequels.

Duties include:

-Overseeing content development for key tie-in and evergreen publishing programs; Building and curating solid relationships with authors/filmmakers (JJ!)/studio/licensees/artists/designers to create high-quality Lucasfilm Star Wars comic books, magazines, and books; managing 15-25 titles per year; sad devotion to that ancient religion known as print media.

Go here to apply: if you’re not sure if you qualify, trust your instincts.

Tim Donnelly :