Tag: south slope

The best cheap eats near Brooklyn movie theaters

Provided what you see isn't terrible, going to the movies could be a great time. Plus, it's the fall now,…

Apartment Hunt: ‘Not so F*cked In Park Slope’ edition

Now I know you and your S/O have been talking about moving out to Park Slope someday, so you can…

Opera’s on tap, and 15 other free things going on this week

1. Side Ponytail Comedy Show is headed back to school. (Monday) 2. powerHouse Arena is celebrating the release of a book…

Get wild(life), and 15 other things to do this weekend in Brooklyn

1. Voodoo Boogaoo describes themselves as what you'd get if you gave "Mary and Joseph 20 hits of acid and a MacBook."…

Eat your fill for zero dollars (but buy a beer) at the Freddy’s Labor Day Bar-B-Q

Look, this Monday’s Labor Day, and we get it; for most people, this means that it’s time to regret that…

Bar Scrawl gets the fine art treatment with a show at Supercollider in September

Some bars just look better on paper. Without the sticky floors, rowdy ex-frat boys and frustrated bartenders, your favorite bar…

Afropunk Fest, 16 other rocking ways to spend the weekend

1. Learn how hard all your beloved John Hughes characters sold out at Forty-Six Candles, an evening of disillusioned fiction. (Friday)…

Apartment Hunt: ‘You Can Have Expectations Again’ edition

It was a hard spring for real estate, what with the whole poor doors thing and generally shitty prospects for…

So fetch: Take your pup to the Doggy Fashion Show block party at Freddy’s

Remember that thing about loving dogs and hating people who mistreat them? And how sometimes, drinking beer can save them?…

Survive a Sharknado! And 15 other free things to do this week

1. Watch a cyclops travel through multiple dimensions, without having to take acid for once, at a screening of Loves of…