Tag: Shopping

The Greenpointers Samhain Fall Market is spooky and haunting

Explore the spooky offerings from local makers, artists, DIYers, designers, crafters, and more at the Greenpointers Samhain Fall Market.

3 thrift stores in Greenpoint with fantastic deals

When it comes to fashion, I’m all about retro and vintage style. I love one-of-a-kind or rare pieces that I…

Five Brooklyn gifts for the roommate emerging from their rager phase

You’ve read enough Encyclopedia Brown to be able to figure out that the likely culprit in The Case Of The…

Five creative Brooklyn holiday gifts for the fun mom in your life

There are moms who are fun, but then there are “Fun Moms.” We’re talking about the mom who does picklebacks…

Five creative Brooklyn gifts for the friend who’s married to their job

There are some people in this world who spend more time in the office than at home and know more…

Five unique gifts for your grad student friend that’s always stressed out

As that one friend in grad school often tells you, the pursuit of knowledge often comes at the expense of…

Keep your apartment free of pine needles and get lit Saturday in Park Slope

Thinking about tree lightings in New York often triggers memories of that one time you intentionally (or unintentionally) got swallowed up by the tourist mosh…

The Brooklyn Flea’s winter market is going back to that cool bank building in Fort Greene

When the grass freezes over and droves of Brooklynites huddle indoors for the winter season, what's a flea market to do?…

Pop some tags and save big on Friday, it’s National Thrift Store Day

It seems only appropriate that August 15, along with being my mother's birthday (once affectionately nicknamed the Coupon Queen by…

The city is probably going to add a tax on paper and plastic bags

You've got all those tote bags in your apartment, millions of them really, but you always manage to forget them…