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Five creative Brooklyn gifts for the friend who’s married to their job

Eggnog is for closers. Via Flickr user globochem.

There are some people in this world who spend more time in the office than at home and know more about their coworkers than their roommates. These are people who actually enjoy using words like “synergy,” “webinar” and “circle back” in everyday conversation. These gifts are for your friend who will answer a phone call from their boss at a funeral. We figure that you might want to gift something with a little more cheer than a bag filled with Pepto Bismol and No-Doze. Here are some options to show them you care about their upward career trajectory from the unique vendors at Williamsburg’s Artists & Fleas, open Saturdays and Sundays from 10am until 7pm.


Wood Chalkboard Organizing Display Shelf 

In this digital age, so much of our work lives in our computers and mobile devices. Every once in awhile though, we get something tangible that we actually want to display. Whether it’s an award for Best Dancer at the holiday party or photos from their biannual one-night vacation, this Wood Chalkboard Organizing Display Shelf from JTWoodworks will show them off in style. There is a chalkboard strip to label your memories, in case you want to name your new cacti collection.


Tamara Garvey Abstract Blank Card Set

This Abstract Blank Card Set by Tamara Garvey is great for the traditionalist who eschews bland thank you emails in favor of a more personal touch. Since the cards are blank, they can work for all occasions, from writing the “Happy 29th Birthday” card for your boss every year to a passive-aggressive retirement card for a departing Trump-supporter colleague (enjoy your Social Security!). Or better yet, as a gentle nudge for said friend to remember your own birthday.


Father Panik Gay Bank Bag

Working the front door at the office holiday fundraiser sucks. Your friend will inevitably forget the names of top donors and miss the best appetizers. Why should they also worry about losing their bank bag filled with ticket sales because it blends in with the tablecloth? Your friend will always be able to locate this Gay Bank Bag by Father Panik. It also works great as a clutch for holding their wallet and phone for while they dash out to pick up a sad desk lunch.


Valentino Boss Woman Two Piece Set

If your friend has entered a more formal profession, they might have to trade in slouchy sweaters and leggings for the dreaded suit. Instead of having to settle for something boring, give them the gift of an authentic ’80s power-suit! This Valentino Boss Woman Suit from Thriftwares lives up to its name, with sturdy shoulders, a tasteful pattern, and unique foldover detail on the jacket. However, it’s understated enough that it won’t go into costume territory.


Push Pin Ear Stud

You will never let your friend live down the time she mistook push pins for earrings when rushing out of the office for another evening client meeting. If she dug the aesthetic, but not so much the ensuing tetanus shot, these Push Pin Stud earrings by Beroep Tech are the solution. They are made of high-grade silver, which means that they won’t cause any further damage to her earlobes, and will also be much classier than cherry red plastic.

Grab these gifts and more at Williamsburg’s Artists & Fleas, 70 North 7th St., Brooklyn, weekends from 10am–7pm.

Rachel Eve Stein :