Tag: Public Assembly

Stuff your face and 12 other fantastic ways to spend the weekend

1. Shop for vintage duds and drink free booze at Odd Twin (Friday) 2. Rock and roll with Galapagos Now,…

Prince dies 4 U and 14 other free happenings this week

1. Public Assembly is hosting some poetry, and according to the organizers, the world will never be the same. Bold…

Reach your point break and 9 other ways to spend the weekend

1. Do your best MJ or Madonna impression at Union Hall's sing-a-long. By singing, not be being a rampant egoist…

Bathe in the purple rain and 16 other free events this week

1. Get thrizzled at Book Court by author Michael Kupperman's stories of Einstein and Mark Twain solving mysteries (Monday) 2.…

Bust some ghosts and 10 other free ways to start the year

1. Catch Smile Swamp Princess at Pete's Candy Store and you can fulfill your "see a rock opera" resolution you've…

Revive the 90s and 7 other ways to pass the Christmas weekend

1. It's a very spiritual time of year, so balance it out with the comedy of For Science! (Friday) 2.…

23 banging ways to ring in the New Year in Brooklyn

New Year's Eve is the best holiday. It just is. It's a night of no inhibitions, one where you're as…

Hang out with a goon squad of authors and 11 other things to do this weekend

1. Try to win dinner at Blanca, which is apparently a popular restaurant (Friday) 2. Rock and roll for Sandy…

Free tattoos, booze from Sailor Jerry on Saturday

You have to hand it to Sailor Jerry: Where other alcohols try to lasso your brand loyalty by offering a…

Brawling babes with booze: 5 reasons not to miss the Ladies Arm Wrestling Tournament

Wanna see some girls get into nasty bar brawls for a good cause? You’re in luck! 5 Borough Ladies Arm…