Tag: pratt

Pratt invites you in for a free alumni art show this weekend featuring Drake artist Kadir Nelson

Pratt Institute, Brooklyn's world-famous art and design school, has given us notable alumni in diverse array of fields, from Daniel…

See the creator of the Ghosbusters logo talk design at Pratt on Saturday

Aside from having awesome gear and the rakish wit of a young-ish Bill Murray, the Ghostbusters had another important factor…

Get a free expensive education at the Pratt Free School

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to go to one of the prestigious art schools in one…

Spike Lee’s gentrification rant is a reminder to be a part of your motherfucking community

Yesterday, while some of you were livetweeting The Bachelor (or livetweeting NHL players' livetweeting it), or live-tweeting white people yell at each…

You gotta have it: Get a free ticket to see Spike Lee speak at Pratt

Spike Lee has been making movies for longer than most of us have been alive, which is a weird thing…

Become an art student for a day at the Pratt Free School

Did you secretly want to go to art school in the city, but somehow ended up at a small liberal…

Art classes that pay for your naked ambition

Hey kid, you want to be in art classes — naked, unmoving, magnanimously muse-like — and get paid for it?…