Tag: Pete’s Candy Store

Get awkward with Issa Rae, and 17 more free misadventures to have this week

1. Your fate doesn't have to feel so bleak thanks to the comics at We're Going to Hell Comedy Show…

Afropunk Fest, 16 other rocking ways to spend the weekend

1. Learn how hard all your beloved John Hughes characters sold out at Forty-Six Candles, an evening of disillusioned fiction. (Friday)…

Your badgeless guide to the 2014 Northside Festival

Guess what’s back for another weekend of music, film and art in the northernmost parts of Brooklyn? It's the Northside…

8 places in Brooklyn to horse around and watch the Kentucky Derby

Kentucky: the state of Bourbon, bluegrass, coal mining, and, as of late, a pretty sweet rebranding campaign. Before you pretentious…

Ch-ch-check out MCA Day and 27 more ways to enjoy your weekend

1. What Cheer? Brigade and The Reverend Vince Anderson are bringing horns and religion to the Brooklyn Night Bazaar, and…

Consider the lobstah and 13 other things to do this weekend

1. Greenlight's Brooklyn Indie Party is your chance to finally prove you're cool to the cutie you've been talking to…

High five! Pete’s Mini Zine Fest returning for a fifth edition

Zines just keep staying white hot. Well, in Brooklyn and other cities with literary ambitions. But really, between the giant…

The badgeless guide to the 2013 Northside Festival

Why pay to do something when you could just do it for free? That's a real question. The Northside Music…

And they’re off: 7 ways to celebrate the Kentucky Derby on Saturday

This Saturday marks the return of the Kentucky Derby, and while Brooklyn's no Churchill Downs, the borough's fairly into feting…

Free ‘artisanal’ pencil sharpening workshop! Really.

Got some No. 2s in need of TLC? Try an "artisanal pencil sharpening workshop" at Pete's Candy store.