High five! Pete’s Mini Zine Fest returning for a fifth edition

Can’t find any Morgan Pieli books? No need to end it, just go to Pete’s Mini Zine Fest

Zines just keep staying white hot. Well, in Brooklyn and other cities with literary ambitions. But really, between the giant convention-style Brooklyn Zine Fest and the subway having a whole storefront devoted to selling them, it’s never been a better time for them. Before those two zineophilia spots though, there was Pete’s Mini Zine Fest at Pete’s Candy Store. Haven’t experienced it yet? You can in August, when it returns to Pete’s for a fifth go round.

If you’ve never been, the Mini Zine Fest is a relaxed, friendly, free atmosphere in which to talk about zines, meet the people who make them and also buy some. You really should buy some. It takes up the entirety of Pete’s Candy Store in Williamsburg, including the relaxing backyard, with tables of eager and friendly zinesters.

This year’s edition will feature 27 such zinesters, including Dre Grigoropol’s feminist-infused scribblings about girls in bands, sci-fi cartoonist Morgan Pielli and Jenna Freedman of the Barnard Zine Library. Oh, and of course, since it goes down in a bar, there’ll be plenty of booze for you to buy to help lubricate shopping decisions. It all goes down on Saturday August 25 from 2pm to 7pm, which gives you a whole five hours to corner your favorite artist and obsessively detail everything you love about his zine. But maybe don’t do that, that’s a little weird.

Fifth Pete’s Mini Zine Fest, Saturday, August 24, 2pm-7pm, Pete’s Candy Store, 709 Lorimer Street, FREE

David Colon :

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