Tag: Park Slope

Bernies’ Brooklyn Home, Botanical Orchards, ‘Bridge Over Tree’ and more links

Some Brooklyn headlines to send you off and into the weekend...

NYC Battles Fatberg Epidemic

The fatberg phenomena is taking Brooklyn sewers by storm.

MTA seizes tax refund of former homeless Brooklyn veteran for 22 year old ticket

David Evans of Brooklyn discovered his would-be tax return went to the MTA in an enforced judgment for a ticket…

L Train Gas Aroma Hospitalizes Workers

Fans are installed above the Graham Avenue L train station to help suck out the gas smell that has made…

MTA to hold an emergency L Train meeting today, immigrants and majority of low-income NYers left out of fair fares program, and more links

Tuesday news.

Brooklyn dog found in Florida 18 months after disappearing, Greenpointer hiked the world’s longest footpath, and more links

Tuesday news.

Trump ‘Pee on Me’ statues are taking over Park Slope sidewalks and it’s hilarious

We're not telling you what to do. But you know what to do.

No L train every weekend in October, Park Slope moms arrested during Kavanaugh protest, Alice Walker to present new poetry at BK Museum (and more links)

Friday news.

10 LGBTQ+ bars in Brooklyn with amazing deals & events

Plus, there's an astrology-themed bar.

5 best thrift stores in Park Slope

When it comes to fashion, I'm all about retro and vintage style. I love one-of-a-kind or rare pieces that I…