Tag: Park Slope

Snag an apartment in Bed Stuy, Park Slope or Crown Heights

The summer is louder in Brooklyn. Between your neighbor who blasts Usher songs into the street all day, kids playing…

The mayoral candidates are coming back to Brooklyn

New York's mayoral forum endurance march keeps lurching forward, zombie-like and unstoppable, with one "public forum" or "debate" or "dream…

Bars We Love: Get gonzo at Owl Farm!

The Owl Farm 297 9th Street (b/t 4th and 5th Aves) Park Slope (718) 499-4988 What it is: A friendly,…

Bars We Love: Don’t get mad, get drunk, at Union Hall!

Union Hall 702 Union St., (between Fifth & Fourth Avenues) Park Slope (718) 638-4400 What is it: With book-lined walls…

Heady days: Here’s the 4/20 event roundup you’ve been waiting for

When I was in ninth grade, the biggest stoner in my Intro Spanish class told me April 20th was an…

Bars We Love: Your Mission Dolores, should you choose to accept it

Mission Dolores 249 4th Ave (between Carroll and President) Park Slope (347) 457-5606 What it is: A railroad-style, tri-furcated space…

Free booze and vintage deals at Park Slope’s Odd Twin on Friday

If you've ever harbored dreams of running a vintage shop, let us give you a two words for surefire success:…

Dog run? School tech? Vote on how to spend one million dollars

So remember how back in October we told you that if you lived in Stephen Levin's city council district that…

As Galaxy Collectibles turns its final page, at least there are cheap comics

We're all having trouble making rent these days. Times are hard, and they're not getting any easier, especially for Galaxy…

Spaghetti-woah: All-you-can-eat benefit for the Sandy Relief Kitchen, this Sunday

Food! Do you like it? Haha, of course you do! What's the only problem with it? Yep, that's right, eventually…