Tag: millennials

This Brooklyn-based book is a kid-friendly introduction to existential crisis

Might as well learn the realities of this human condition from illustrated animals at a tender young age.

How much avocado toast do you need to give up to pay rent on a Brooklyn studio?

For those of you buying 99 avocado toasts a month, or 3 a day, if you'll just stop doing that…

The real reason millennials are ditching cereal is because it’s expensive fraud food

Last week, the old people reading newspapers and old people reading the internet were disgusted and embarrassed at the behavior…

21 names sure to attract millennials to your apartment complex

Staten Island is the new Brooklyn (again)! Let's leave the tired premise of searching for the next Brooklyn aside for…

Parents pay your rent? You’re ruining their retirement

Millennials! Is there anything this ravaging generation can't ruin? Cars, Brands, the American institution of credit card debt, Brands, it…

‘Stop being drunk at work,’ population in thrall to ‘Mad Men’ tells millennials

What is to be done with millennials, that generation of lousy kids who won't buy cars, Pepsi or T.G.I. Friday's…

Take heed young people, your salvation lies in Hartford, Connecticut

Young people of America, lend us your ears. Or, eyes we guess, you're reading not listening. We have heard of…

Brookly Diocsese introduces ‘Creeper Jesus’ to woo Millennials

There is no industry in this world not trying bizarre ideas to win back Millennials who are leaving said industries…

Budweiser pins hopes on millennials buying expensive Christmas beer cases

The problem with millennials isn't so much the things we say and do, it's more the embarrassing lengths that brands…

McDonald’s tries to trademark McBrunch in desperate attempt to win back millennials

Millennials man. They (we) are just the most useless goddamn generation to certain traditional voracious sectors of global capitalism. We…