Tag: Labor Day

Williamsburg Airbnb vs. Wythe Hotel: where should you spend your Labor Day staycation?

The Staycation is a contentious affordance here in Brooklyn. Amidst an ongoing affordable housing crisis that leads to things like this and this,…

Hold on tight to summer with a free all-day ‘Wet Hot American Summer’ marathon at Videology

Between cast members showing up at screenings of it, multiple public screenings happening with or without said cast members, a…

Summer will be a week longer as the City’s beaches will stay open past Labor Day

For decades, Labor Day has symbolized the beginning of the end for summer in the city. Because, for decades, the…

Eat your fill for zero dollars (but buy a beer) at the Freddy’s Labor Day Bar-B-Q

Look, this Monday’s Labor Day, and we get it; for most people, this means that it’s time to regret that…

Scenes from the 2013 West Indian Day Parade

Each year during Labor Day the relative calm of Eastern Parkway erupts into music and color to celebrate the West…

The West Indian Day Parade, 13 other 3-day weekend ideas

1. Enjoy the parade of lunatics that make up Brooklyn Unicycle Day, as they ride their one-wheeled machines across the…

Work hard at play: The best ways to spend Labor Day weekend

You work hard, you play hard, simple as that. Labor Day weekend commends the other 361 days you bust your…

12 things to do to celebrate your labors this weekend

Listings taken from our Brokelyn events page. Don't see yours listed? Add it now! 1. See The Wiz, because Michael Jackson,…

Staycation tour of South Brooklyn

Here we are, at the tail-end of summer, September drawing perilously near, and maybe that European jaunt you dreamed of…