Tag: knockdown center

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, fear edition

Groove with ghouls, dance to boneshaking beats, be a nerd, find Grace amazing, and more ways to scare this week…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, bodega art edition

Have a fun time with fungi, interact with a combination bodega and art gallery, get down with the tarot spreads,…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, lavishly literary edition

Glitter like a unicorn, gorge on sausages and beer, wander through a graffiti wasteland, read all the books, and more…

The 20 best cheap things to do this week, crazy cartoons edition

Groove through a garden party, scream at B-movie stripteases, careen through a cartoon festival, and more ways to have a…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, ladies of hip-hop edition

Bike to a bunch of desserts, win prizes based on chicken poop, see an all-female rap battle, read dirty books…

The 20 best things to do this weekend, pre-Independence edition

Get pre-patriotic with pasties, drink to Canada's 150th birthday, dance it out in the daytime, and more ways to have…

This week in Anti-Trump activism: the Women’s Strike and more

It's finally here, y'all: the women's strike. And while the strike is intended to show just how much work women…

Fly like paper, get high like planes: See M.I.A. in Queens

Has your life been missing a certain amount of swagger lately? Well, you can see if M.I.A. has any to…

Get your insane party shoes on, here comes Tiki Disco

Despite the fact that the mercury is barely getting above 70 with any regularity, summer is coming, we swear. We…