Tag: interference archive

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, Bushwick Open Studios edition

Get wicked, be boat-dacious, see dead people, march to the beat, open another dimension, spice things up, and more ways…

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, Miss Subways edition

Snag the crown.

This week in anti-Trump activism: Resisting pardons and hurricanes

Over the weekend, Trump pardoned Arizona's most racist sheriff and ignored Texas as a devastating hurricane hit Houston.

This week in anti-Trump activism: We will outlast him

We're almost halfway through the year, which means we're almost an eighth of the way through Donald Trump's first term.

This week in anti-Trump activism: Climate change is real!

Earth Day is this weekend, which is a great opportunity to remember that the President and his allies either think…

This week in Anti-Trump activism: the Women’s Strike and more

It's finally here, y'all: the women's strike. And while the strike is intended to show just how much work women…

This week in anti-Trump activism: March forth on March 4th

We're officially more than a month into Donald Trump's presidency, and though there have definitely been plenty of challenges (terrible…

This week in anti-Trump activism in NYC: Know your rights (and party for them too)

If Trump's electoral win and the Patriots' somehow Super Bowl victory can teach us anything, it's that sometimes the bad guys…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, soul science edition

1. Dork out at the Nerd Nite, with lectures on mind-reading, the science of hangovers, and the history of music…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, post-apocalypse edition

[Ed note: Although this roundup is written as if this is a normal weekend, it's clearly not. We are all…