Tag: healthcare

Healing without healthcare: A guide to Brooklyn’s botanicas

The state of American healthcare is up in the air, so now's a good time to find your nearest botanica…

Trump be damned, Cuomo says you’ll still be able to get free birth control in New York state

In 2012, this here blog celebrated the Obamacare mandate that essentially made birth control free to women with insurance. Under…

Is $250 too steep a price to cure your hangover, medically?

We've all had hangovers, and we've all had really bad hangovers. You know the ones: you can't keep any solid…

Here’s a video to help artists figure out health insurance

http://vimeo.com/84132737 Figuring out Obamacare can be confusing, but it's especially important to understand if you're an artist and don't have…

Coming in 2014: Cheaper healthcare, if you buy it yourself

Everyone is on the edge of their seat when it comes to seeing how Obamacare affects their lives as it…

Influenzapocalypse! How to not die of the flu, like all your friends have

We joked about that flu map last week, but if only we knew what was coming for us. It seems…

Get poked and feel good: five cheap acupuncture spots

Community acupuncture is kind of like the gateway drug for integrative medicine. Start with a few needles in your arms…

How menstrual cups can save you $1,000

Ladies, are you sitting down and comfortable? Let's talk about Aunt Flo. Crimson Tide. Shark Week. The Time of the…

Should I go to a dental school to have my teeth fixed?

This is a question I've asked myself every Wednesday morning for the last five weeks as I've ridden the Q…