Categories: Services

Influenzapocalypse! How to not die of the flu, like all your friends have

Protect yo’self. Photo via Flickr user Lance McCord

We joked about that flu map last week, but if only we knew what was coming for us. It seems everyone’s Facebook and Twitter feeds are full of miserable, sweating, puking people now, and it’s not because they’re kicking scag. Yes, the influenzapocalypse is among us, so take heed of our advice how and where to get a flu shot if you don’t want to fall victim to it.

For starters, should you get a flu shot? Well, at this rate, yes, you probably should. There’s nothing more humiliating than playing the tough guy act only to find yourself wailing for chicken soup two days later. Also, while your healthy immune system may be keeping you from doubling over and staying in bed, going out with even a mild case of the flu means you can spread it and make life miserable for your fellow straphangers, the people serving you coffee and just someone you bump into on the sidewalk.

There are tons of places to get immunized, all over the borough. The Department of Health  has a handy map that breaks things down by borough, and even zip code, so you can know exactly where the closest place to you is. Most places take walk-in, but don’t just rush off to the first place you see, because we’re in the middle of a flu vaccine shortage. Don’t panic, yet. Pharmacies are constantly reloading, just call first to make sure they have them.

Small pharmacies, free clinics and giant, citywide chains all have them, the prices range from as low as $15 at Costco to $40 for something called “flumist” at Rite Aid. Which we were hoping was some kind of glowing mist you walk through as music from Chrono Trigger plays, but is actually just a nasal spray vaccination. These are pre-insurance prices, so they might be a little cheaper if you’re one of the lucky ones who has someone helping to pay to keep you healthy. Check with your insurance company to see if they cover you for this, but if they don’t, Jesus, what’s the point of it all?

Unfortunately, we haven’t heard about any free shots being handed out, but if you know about any, be a mensch and share it in the comments.

David Colon :

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  • please research the ingredients and side effects of the benevolent FLU SHOT before you poison yourself. the real flu shot is called ... fruit. eat fruit and exercise.