Tag: free stuff

Craigslist freebie of the day: A SpongeBob bouncy castle

One of the worst things about adulthood is that nobody lets you onto the bouncy castle anymore. You're just supposed…

A Joe Biden superfan in Crown Heights is giving away his giant BIDEN poster

Do you guys remember the halcyon days of the 2012 election? We do, in part because it was so goddamn…

The New Yorker is giving away free online access

Four years ago I read an article that was one of the most well-researched, well-written pieces of journalism I had…

Google giving women, minorities free coding classes

Are you a woman or a minority who would love to get into software development but don't have the money…

Party at the Mini Minimarket tonight and you could walk away with their sign

It's never fun to see a beloved neighborhood spot close their doors, especially when it'll probably just wind up becoming…

Get a free bike helmet at the Brooklyn Public Library today

In a perfect world, teased hair, positive thinking and a fedora would be enough to protect your soft, mushy brain…

Get a free bike helmet today in Kensington, to protect that big brain of yours

As we all know, it's Bike Month. Hooray Bike Month! The only problem with Bike Month is that being a…

BYKlyn invites you to take a free week of spinning classes

Now that "spring" has "arrived" and everyone you know is talking about how much they love riding bikes in Prospect…

Win a lifetime of free Skillshare classes, using nothing but your email address

You might still have the learning bug, and it may not be too late for you to go back to…

Get a free expensive education at the Pratt Free School

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to go to one of the prestigious art schools in one…