Tag: DIY

Former Glasslands owners release photos, lineup, for Bushwick’s new Elsewhere venue

Where Elsewhere lacks the lovably makeshift vibe of Glasslands, it compensates with more space and permanence.

How to make a wallet out of a juice carton

Transform the act of taking out your MetroCard, cash or whatever else you keep in your wallet into a showcasing…

Shea Stadium launches Kickstarter to help reopen, free shows for life among pledge rewards

Bushwick's Shea Stadium has had a rough year, having announced their second temporary closure back at the beginning of this…

Apply now for a desk at the new coworking space at Bushwick’s Market Hotel

Bushwick's Market Hotel, temple of all that is good and indie, has officially become one with Nu Brooklyn: it is…

One Brooklyn cyclist’s solution to dangerous intersections: DIY bike lanes

It's hard out there for a bike. New York cyclist deaths are up 25% this year, according to the Mayor's…

New Music Friday: Heliotropes say down with love songs, up with WWII songs on new album

Inspiration can come from anywhere. For Jessica Numsuwankijkul, 33, of Bushwick's Heliotropes, it came in the form of the WWI…

Tune up with tunes: 4 ways to attach a speaker to your bike this summer

Ever have something that should be played at high volume, preferably in a residential area? Not that we here at…

Mythbusters: Can DIY bug repellent save you money (and mosquito bites)?

I always hated the smell of DEET. Mosquitoes and I have never been BFFs, and as a semi-popular band/theater/show choir…

New Music Friday: Sunshine Gun Club’s music drives Teletubbies to murder

If you've been in New York City for a couple of years, you've probably heard someone talk about how things…

Musicians Talk Making It: Vagabon started playing with a Costco guitar

Vagabon's Laetitia Tamko has only been writing her own music since January of 2014, but she's been playing rad shows…