Tag: Death to the patriarchy

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, patriarchy-smashing edition

1. Get a triple-word score at Freebird Books' unique Books Beneath the Bridge evening, featuring an outdoor Scrabble competition on…

There are ‘No Catcall Zones’ around the city now

Catcalls are some bullshit. In addition to slandering cats, it should be pretty common sense that women (and unamused people…

HBO wants female and minority writers for writing fellowship

A hot topic preceding the Oscars before the real controversy of Neil Patrick Harris' bad job as host overshadowed everything…

The Misandry State: Young women in New York make $1.02 to every $1 men make

We've previously covered the plight of women in these parts, at least when it comes to the feckless dudes they're…

Sunday at the Brooklyn Museum, Columbia’s Emma Sulkowicz talks about her mattress-carrying protest

Sexual assault and rape on college campuses, and college administrations' response to it, is about as hot-button an issue as…

Video shows 10 hours of woman being catcalled while walking

http://youtu.be/b1XGPvbWn0A We haven't talked about street harassment here for a little while, but hey let's do that now, since here…

If Philadelphia can have anti-man spread PSAs, so can New York City

We don't know what it is about dudes and their professed need to sit with legs spread so wide they…

Cab app offers exclusively female drivers for female passengers

We just got done grading cab apps available around here, but the thing about technology is that it always keeps…

Congratulations NYC, we have the biggest tech gender gap in America!

New York City's tech scene is really booming, or so we've been led to believe, what with the coining of…

Catch our pal Sue Smith’s all-female comedy show ‘Tits & Giggles’ every other Wednesday

Female comics are making gains and causing laughter all over Brooklyn, with names like Jo Firestone, Charla Lauriston, Sasheer Zamata,…