Tag: craigslist

Missed connection short story mocks your feelings

The important thing to know about missed connections is that they're lame as hell. If they aren't written by people…

Sweet gig alert: Manage a dating profile for a ‘busy man’

Have you got sick game but are extremely unattractive? Never got a missed connection but would gladly respond to one? A…

Political job alert: new mystery campaign seeks canvassers

Sitting around without a job, but full of inspiration, naivety, do-gooderism and other pathologies of the politically minded? Well you're…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Free sex swing stand, barely used!

Between Texas being unable to pass an anti-abortion law and the Supreme Court mandating that everyone go be gay with…

Anybody out there need 10,000 free condoms?

If you haven't been searching for a new apartment/job/couch, or haven't been scouring our site lately, you might have missed…

The Worst Room: BK’s affordable housing problem, Tumblrized

Anyone who's ever cruised Craigslist for housing has come across strange and nightmarish situations. At least those are entertaining though.…

Do you wanna be this rich dude’s “online dating surrogate?”

Online dating sites are a dime a dozen these days, and in this day and age there's no shame in…

Sweet offer of the day: Pimp your dog for a dinosaur costume party

You've got a dog, and having a dog costs money. And time. And while having a dog provides you with…

The strange Sotheby’s Craigslist job posting hoax

[UPDATE: Sotheby's told Gakwer this was all a hoax and that they're too fancy for Craigslist: "We can confirm that…

PSA: For the love of god, please don’t buy a bed off Craigslist

Consider this your PSA for the day: Craigslist is a wonderful resource for finding many things, like jobs, apartments and…