Tag: coworking

Here’s a list of every single Brooklyn coworking space

It makes sense that Brooklyn — with its large creative class and outsized rents for small apartments — is seeing…

Six co-workers from your 9-5 job you won’t miss when you quit the office life

What is it about the office that brings out the weird people and uncomfortable interactions? Perhaps it's the mundaneness of…

Now TGI Fridays is getting into the coworking game too

It's tough being a roving freelancer in New York City: Cafe owners are cracking down on free wifi, #brands are…

A freelance journalism-focused coworking space is coming to Bushwick

Plenty of people find that working in Brooklyn's many coworking spaces helps with their productivity, what with not making them…

Coworking o.g. Brooklyn Creative League is expanding and waiving their membership fee

The coworking space is an important space for you, the office-free independent contractor or freelancer or entrepreneur. Despite the fact…

Levi’s offering free bike tune-ups, coffee and wifi in Williamsburg

It's the summer, so all you hip young people with your flowing hair and cool offices might be biking to…

Try out a barista-free, cat-free work space for free at The Compound Cowork on Saturday

Freelancers, small business owners lend us your ears! Working out of a cafe is merely a croissant and a small…

(Most of) NYC’s coworking spaces in one place

For most of us midtown galley slaves, the prospect of sliding out of bed and shuffling five feet to the…

Get your own World’s Coolest Office: Free coworking under the bridge

We freelancers, writers, job-hunters, and other non-office shackled professionals of Brooklyn know it's an endurance test of self control to keep productively…

A chance to work at real desk, for a day

We're told that you folks with day jobs often work at things called "desks" that have ample power supplies and…