Tag: bushwick public house

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, bushy edition

Have an art party, drag yourself to the show, sculpt your face, get lost in a book and more ways…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, bodega art edition

Have a fun time with fungi, interact with a combination bodega and art gallery, get down with the tarot spreads,…

This week in Anti-Trump activism: the Women’s Strike and more

It's finally here, y'all: the women's strike. And while the strike is intended to show just how much work women…

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, drag yourself out edition

1. Get literary at the first Franklin Park Reading Series of the new year: Short Fiction Night, featuring Adam Haslett, Mary…

Top 10: The best cheap things to do in Brooklyn this week, dance party edition

1. What else can you do in this hellish heat but head for water? Join Rooftop Films in Coney Island…

Top 20: The best cheap things to do in Brooklyn this weekend, sex talks edition

1. Lament the state of Bk today at Gentrifucked, a hip-hop and art show with performances by Ni Dios Ni Amo,…

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from partying with us to celebrating Chrismakkuh

A wise man/squid/thing once spoke these wise words: "Let's get crazy baby! Woo!" Tonight especially, I think you should live…

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from opera Olympics to a Thanksgiving pageant

Thursday night's alright for fighting, so get a little action in. That's the old song they sing, right? So anyway,…