MakerBot is a hot Boerum Hill based startup with a mission to bring affordable 3D printing to the masses. Now the company is looking for a Productor! (exclamation theirs) to help put their kits and products together. Check out the new Makerbot Mixtape, a replica of a cassette tape that you can upload music to via the attached USB cable, and their newest technology in 3D printers, The Replicator™ (trademark theirs) which can now print in two colors of plastic. They have two Productor! positions posted, one for a day-time position and one for the night shift. To Producticate? (question mark ours), be a good multi-tasker who’s comfortable working with tools and building things, who “can fit right in as part of a team, or can become an individually working Ninja.” Perks include an unlimited supply of cool job points. Details:
Job Qualifications
- Detail oriented. You pride yourself on getting it right every time
- Self-motivator with a strong work ethic, and able to work in a fast-paced environment.
- Have previous experience working in a warehouse type setting
- Not afraid of getting dirty and sweating a little to get the job done!
- Rock solid computer skills (e.g. Windows, Office, Internet)
- Able to lift 35 lbs
Bonus Qualifications
- Familiarity with 3D printing
- Familiarity with MakerBot
Apply at Makerbot’s career page, where you will find both Productor! positions, as well as open sales positions.