Categories: Careers

Sweet gig alert: The Metropolitan opera is looking for (paid!) interns

This internship looks classy as shit.

Every now and then we like to transcend the world of cheap dive bars and free music/childhood cartoon references to help you rub elbows with the actually cultured high society of New York City. Today that comes in the form of something that will not only get you cultured, but will also give you some job experience and even a bit of pay: the Metropolitan Opera, the largest classical music organization in North America, is looking for interns! Not only does the opera pay, but interns also get to attend every final dress rehearsal for free. Details below.

The internship is in the technical department, and a staffer there tells us the projects include basic tracing and drafting in AutoCAD, Photoshopping images, assisting on photo shoots, updating databases and running errands.

The gig is 40 hours a week; the pay is minimum wage, but it requires some night shoots, which pay time and a half. The one-year internship begins in late May. For info on how to apply, click here.

Tim Donnelly :