Categories: News

Sunday Reads

“U.K. Average Income,”Occupy Liz, by Ivan Cash and Andy Dao, 2014.
“U.K. Average Income,”Occupy Liz, by Ivan Cash and Andy Dao, 2014.

Nothing’s better than breakfast and Sunday reads:

On Rules: “Meanwhile in China.” [Twitter]
On Aardvarks: “Taxonomically speaking, this is unfortunate.” [New Yorker]
On Centennials: “To the children, I say and repeat: do not make war.” [Awl]
On Musical Chairs: “On a technicality like there was no room in the courtroom!” [NYPost]
On Money: “…defacing currency as an act of political defiance.” [Slate]
On Hopelessness: “The recession has taken a toll on millennials…” []
On Walls: “…note that America might be a little more broke than it wants to show. “ [Medium]
On Satisfaction: “When did rage become such a dominant emotion in my life?” [Billfold]
On Honky-Tonk: “The city is a machine for teaching people to be city-dwellers.” [Aeon]
On Never Forgetting: “Are they going to stop everyone from using the trade center…?” [NYT]
On Artifacts: “Screw the Smithsonian, the Louvre, the Prado and the Uffizi Gallery.” [Gothamist]
On Turkish Coffee: “…the air of my neighborhood smelled of bitter teargas.” [Nowhere]

Conal Darcy :