Free classes coming to Downtown Brooklyn on Wednesdays

Soon people are gonna be hanging out here, “learning.” BOOOOO! via Facebook

It’s summer! Time to turn off your brain, turn on the part of your brain that loves drugs and forget about learning anything as far as life or actual useful lessons goes! Of course, if you must insist on learning things like some kind of nerd, then we guess you’ll like this news: MetroTech Commons will host three free classes for useful life skills on three upcoming Wednesdays in July, August and September. We’ll be there, but only to walk by and shout “NEEEERRRRD” at you.

The classes, called Wednesday Workshops, will be help on Wednesdays at 6pm at 5 MetroTech Center. They’re part of Summer@MetroTech, which shows that the summer series isn’t just about having a good time with Rooftop Films and the Ohio Players, it’s also about pretending you’re improving your life. Not us, we’re just drinking on the beach. The classes are being taught by General Assembly, those fine folks who can teach you to code, but usually for way more money than “free.”

The first class is being held on July 30, and is an introduction to NYC’s startup community, so you can learn all about things like NYC’s tech meetups, who to network with at said meetups and what blogs to pitch your startup to. You can grab a ticket for that one here. The other two classes will be held on August 20 (“Programming for Non-Programmers) and September 17 (“Public Speaking and The 3 C’s: Confidence, Creativity, and Comedy.”) It should also be noted that drinking is a good way to deal with public speaking jitters also. Tickets for those classes aren’t available yet, but you can check the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership‘s website for updates on when you can RSVP for them.

David Colon :