Stuff all the thrift store clothes you can fit into a sack for $25 on Sunday

You probably can’t fit the whole rack of clothes in a bag, but hey, if you get creative… via Facebook

Sometimes you pop in to a thrift store with just the idea of grabbing a new basketball jersey or sundress, when suddenly you find yourself overwhelmed with a bunch of things you love. The only problem is that you have to pay for them all and you don’t want to do that. Well, if you’re really good at managing space, your time for thrift store hoarding has come, because on Sunday, June 29, Brooklyn Heights’ Underground Thrift Store (65 Hicks Street, at the Plymouth Church) will sell you a sack for $25 and let you fill it with all the clothes you can fit.

The sack sale will take place from 12:30pm to 4pm on Sunday and sounds like a pretty good deal for people who like going shopping but hate making tough choices. Maybe bring your friend who’s really good at packing, or get them to give you some folding lessons so that you can make out with enough summer clothes to last for a couple summers. Hell, maybe even try to stuff two sacks full of clothing, there’s no limit on how many sacks you can buy, and with part of the proceeds of the sale going towards anti-trafficking and anti-slavery causes, you can shop knowing that you’ll look as good on the inside as your new clothes will make you look on the outside.

[h/t Brooklyn Heights Blog]

David Colon :