Someone finally asked Greenpointers what they thought of ‘Girls’

Fun fact: Hannah and Ray don’t really work at Cafe Grumpy. They are fictional characters. via Erstwhile dear

It seems like everyone in the entire world has an opinion on Girls, and they’ll share it with you whether you ask them to or not. Oddly enough, one demographic that hasn’t been quizzed on their thoughts about the voice of our generation is Greenpoint residents. This, despite Hannah Horvath working and living there. So, Vulture picked up a camera and a microphone and finally got to the bottom of this.

The best part of the video is obviously the old guy, who gets in the one-two punch of “It’s not as funny as The Big Bang Theory” and “it’s a woman’s show.” Proving that once again, old people are our most precious resource. Elsewhere, a a couple folks at Cafe Grumpy sound concerned about the possibility of a bus tour rolling through, which is all but guaranteed now that the show got picked up for a third season.

David Colon :