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Snap the best shot of spring in the city and you could be NYC’s new Instagram Ambassador

Don’t do cherry blossoms. Find a woman hanging out of her apartment cleaning windows in a sundress. That’s spring in New York. via Flickr user Sheila Y

Finally, after weeks of false starts, it looks like spring has finally got to sprunging around here, and not a moment too soon, we say. Apparently the powers that be in the city (the Illuminati) are excited to have lived through the latest most awful winter ever as well, because they’re running a photo contest asking you to send in your best shots of NYC in spring. If you take the spring-iest photo out of everyone, and you’ll wind up being New York City’s official Instagram Ambassador. Which is a cool position, but sadly, has less power in City Hall than Taylor Swift’s cultural ambassador position.

What says spring in New York to you? The first sign of jorts? People riding bikes without coats on? Flowers in bloom next to garbage? Cherry blossoms? Don’t do cherry blossoms actually, everyone is gonna do cherry blossoms. Whatever says “spring” to you, if you can snap a picture of it between now and May 3, you could be a big winner. The rules of the game are pretty simple: be a resident of New York City, take a picture of NYC in spring in a square format, upload it here and then wait for the judging to commence.

If you’re curious about your competition, you can check out the #SignsOfSpringNYC hashtag to see what other people are getting pictures of. One winner from every borough will be picked, with the five winners being declared NYC’s Instagram Ambassadors. Winners have your pictures featured around the city and on New York’s Instagram account, and you each get a chance to photograph a City Hall event (maybe one of you will get the de Blasio presidential campaign announcement, which is totally happening).

And don’t forget: If you snap a picture of Brooklyn’s worst pothole, send it our way with the hashtag #worstpotholeBK and you could win a puncture-resistant bike tire from Bike Slug!

David Colon :