PSA: The MTA will refund your lost or stolen unlimited MetroCards for free

There are certain things in this world (well, country) that feel prohibitively overcomplicated: taxes, the court system, the inner-workings of the MTA. While we don’t have any new, unpublished charts or data for you at this time to help explain just why your daily commute was so horrifically awful on Monday, we would like to spread a PSA far and wide regarding the existence of the MTA’s “Problem with MetroCard?” page and the wonderful information it contains, AKA that you can have your lost or stolen MetroCard refunded virtually free of charge.

While, if uninformed, it is easy to assume you are on your own the moment you misplace that brand spankin’ new monthly unlimited MetroCard, left with no choice but to wearily buy a new one, every unlimited comes with a secret, oft unspoken and dope insurance policy.  If you lose your 30-Day Unlimited Ride or 7-Day Express Bus cards, and you bought it with a credit or debit card, you can call follow these steps to have it refunded:

If your card is lost or stolen, simply call 511 or 718 330-1234 and follow the prompts until you get to the Balance Protection Program. Then, supply us with the number of the credit, debit, or ATM card you used to purchase your MetroCard. You will not receive a replacement MetroCard; your refund will be in the form of a credit back to your credit, debit or ATM card for $4.04 per day remaining on your 30-Day card and $8.50 per day remaining on your 7-Day Express Bus Plus card. These amounts will be based on the day you notify us of your loss.

You can also go online and file a claim through eFix.

You can file up to two claims per calendar year, the first one for free and the second one for a $5 administrative fee. If you have EasyPay, there is no limit on how many times you can have your lost or stolen card replaced. The $1 new MetroCard fee will not be refunded to you.

Per the MTA, you should treat your Pay-Per-Ride MetroCards, “like cash,” as they can’t be replaced if lost or stolen.

While that is easily the best customer service offering the MTA has, the “Problem with MetroCard?” page is worth scanning, as there are a few other less bright but still worthy nuggets hidden in there.

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Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.