Category: Guides

Your 2019 guide to every single Brooklyn coworking space

Outgrowing the coffee shop? Everything you need to know about Brooklyn coworking spaces: rates, hours, availability, perks, and more.

7 reasons not to leave Brooklyn this Thanksgiving

In defense of staying home.

November 6 is coming: here’s what you need to know

Vote, vote, vote, vote, VOTE!

The best things to do at Staten Island’s Snug Harbor

A guide to experiencing Staten Island's Snug Harbor Culture Center and Botanical Garden. Proof that Staten Island has more than…

The 13 best dressed goths in Brooklyn

Autumn is upon us, and Halloween fast approaches – here are some of Brooklyn's most fashionably morose boys and ghouls.

How to write about Brooklyn like a clueless outsider

Itching to write a thought piece about how Brooklyn is beautiful, dead, and everything in between? Here are some pro…

Healing without healthcare: A guide to Brooklyn’s botanicas

The state of American healthcare is up in the air, so now's a good time to find your nearest botanica…

How to hang with dogs in Brooklyn without actually owning one

Where the good boys are: Get your pupper fill without taking on the financial and time responsibility of actually adopting…

Giving vegans something to taco ‘bout: Brooklyn’s best vegan tacos

In Brooklyn, you can eat a taco and be vegan too.

Where have all the lesbian bars gone? A guide to Brooklyn spaces for queer women

Lesbian bars have inexplicably disappeared, but the borough still has a number of decidedly safe spaces for gay women to…