Reminder: Two days left to win a free trip from Zimride!

Zimride: Better than catching a ride with Large Marge.

[sponsored_by name=”Zimride” url=”http://www.zimride.com/landing?lp=dc-passenger&utm_source=PPR&utm_medium=D&utm_campaign=Brokelyn&utm_content=box” logo=”http://brokelyn.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/app/uploads/2012/07/120x60_logo.png” byline=”As the largest ridesharing company in America, Zimride makes sharing rides with strangers cool (and safe).”]

Because the craigslist rideshare section seems a bit too slasher-movie crazy sometimes, we now have Zimride, a new ride sharing service built on a social media backbone. If you have a car, you can set a price per seat to get a passenger to tag along; or if you’re looking for a ride, you can search for people headed your way and find a cheap ride. Zimride is giving away 10 free round-trip rides from Brooklyn to Washington, DC ($50 equivalent) to Brokelyn readers. Click here to enter and don’t forget to set up your driver or passenger profile today using the registration code “BROKELYN.” The deadline to enter is Wednesday!

Promotions Dept. :