You asked for it, we got it. It’s a store, cooking school and butcher shop all-in-one. It’s The Meat Hook, the newest extension of The Brooklyn Kitchen, helmed by one of Brooklyn’s most renowned foodies, Tom Mylan. And it’s given us (you) a $75 gift card for the RAFFLE OF THE CENTURY. While the actual term “meat-hook” isn’t high on the trendy or appetizing scale, think of it like this: To be called something so graphic and carnivorous-sounding means that it’s a) trendy enough to have such a daring name, 2) good enough to make it an instant success and 3) not joking about this meat.
The Hook uses only trusted farmers and sustainably-raised animals, and their fresh sausages, like the one with garlic, red wine & rosemary and chorico? They’re made fresh every single weekday.
Hooked already? Then you know about all their quality cookware, bulk olive oils, homemade pastas and sauces, vintage cookbooks and tools, and of course, humanely-raised and delicious meat. The $75 can go towards anything in the store or any class (so you can have a reason to buy the aforementioned quality cookware!).
The First Annual Brokelyn Charity Ball will be held June 10 from 7 to 11 at at Night Owl in Williamsburg, 160 N. 4th St. at Bedford Ave.