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Team Brokelyn gorges on Brian Lehrer’s food

Rocky Mills and Tim Donnelly enjoying the fruits of their labor

So, here’s the thing: if you invite writers from a website dedicated to the glory of brokeness onto your Manhattan-based high-def TV show, you probably shouldn’t be surprised when one of them ransacks the greenroom free pastry plate and soda table (and makes a to-go plate on the way out).

In case you missed it, Team Brokelyn made a guest appearance last week on Brian Lehrer Live, the WNYC stalwart’s weekly CUNY TV show, where we chatted about a few fun things to do in NYC this summer without spending mucho dinero (kinda our specialty, if you haven’t noticed). 

You can get the free video podcast through iTunes (our show’s titled “Water, Farms and Summer,” and we’re all the way at the end). And you can also learn from other guests about Greenpoint’s oil spill that was twice the size of the Exxon Valdez and some budding new rooftop agriculture. We were the counterpoint to a guest from Jetsetter.com who talked about distinctly more ambitious travel options.

But of course, you’re already well on top of our refreshing, unique and downright awesome summer-plan ideas, right?

Tim Donnelly :

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