10 art pieces you can expect to see at the ‘pro-Trump art show’ in Williamsburg this Saturday

Wintrich, who thinks that New York is only concerned with art of the ‘period blood’ variety.

The art world is constantly in flux, and New York is perhaps the most representative sampling of its changing humors. With all our alt-comedy, off-off-off Broadway performance art and hipster infamy, the city acts as a creative hub for free expression of all kinds — even the kind that supports Donald Trump.

A pro-Trump art show is coming to Williamsburg this Saturday, curated by conservative “mouthpiece” Lucian Wintrich (who also founded the #Twinks4Trump movement earlier this year). If Wintrich’s Indiegogo fundraising video for the exhibition isn’t enough to make you scream, please enjoy the gallery exhibition’s title:  #DaddyWillSaveUs.

What could a pro-Trump art show possibly look like? It’s hard to imagine, what with its allegiance to an orange-haired bigot who endeavors to suppress human, let alone creative, freedoms. It’s a head scratcher al(t-)right, but Brokelyn’s artists-in-residence did the heavy thinking for you and came up with this list of 10 art pieces you can expect to see at Wintrich’s show this Saturday.

– An immersive retelling of the three little pigs where Donald is the Big Bad Wolf and all the pigs are Rosie O’Donnell.

– A portrait of Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office wearing a blue dress and covered in semen with the caption “The thing I will not bring up about Hillary because I am too classy and have too much respect for Chelsea Clinton.”

– A sculpture glorifying Trumps’s hands with a plaque that states *actual size.

– An enlarged photo of Gary Busey giving a thumbs up while wearing a shirt that depicts the image of Trump giving a thumbs up while eating the taco bowl on Cinco De Mayo.

– The Greenhouse Gas emissions counter, stolen from outside Penn Station and re-installed, now titled “My polling numbers, or: Lies from China”

– Animatronic life-size dolls of the Freedom Kids performing the “Donald Trump Jam” à la Disney’s “It’s a Small World After All” at the entrance.

– This:

Titled ‘The Treachery of Public Images.’ Credit: Conal Darcy

– An artist statement from Trump: he’s working on a new form of Cubism. It doesn’t try to show multiple perspectives, but instead tells you that everything you’re perceiving about the piece is actually wrong. He calls it Gas-Chiaroscuro.

– A small, empty movie theater with Shia Laboeuf inside watching just The Little Rascals and Home Alone 2.

– Just this, actually, donated by the Trump estate.

Thanks to Brokelyn’s resident art experts Conal Darcy, Eric Silver, Bobby Hankinson, Sam Weiss and Hope Morawa.  

[h/t Paper Mag]

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  • Imagine if there were an island of Scientologists -- people who excommunicate each other for leaving, act in a cult-like fashion, don't believe in modern medicine -- and they were causing murderous havoc wherever they moved. Would it be ok to ban them for a while until we figured out how to not get the murderous ones in the US?

    Ok. But when it's Islam it's a huge problem. It's as if east-coasters are okay judging religions made up of white people, but not non-whites... hmmmmmm.....

    What would get you in trouble at university? An essay criticizing Christianity, or one criticizing Islam?

    -a black guy