Posh rummage sale & free concert for your black-tie needs

tuxedoscropImagine the BK Flea meets A Night at the Opera: everyone dressed to the 8.5s, tons of used stuff for sale and classy live music wafting through the air. That’s what we imagine anyway, for Saturday’s Super Summer Rummage Sale being held by Brooklyn’s One World Symphony. The big sale, happening Saturday from 10 to 3 in Brooklyn Heights, promises tuxes, 2-piece suits, dress shirts, neck ties, dresses, gowns, jewelry, leather jackets, jeans, CDs, musical scores and “much much more!!!!” Maybe you’re not quite sure what to wear for those last few night-time weddings coming up? This might be a good place to look.

And, since the rummage sale is being run by an orchestra and all, the day will be chock-full of some high quality live music—including cabaret and jazz standards, Joplin rags, Souza marches, Bach concerti, a Gershwin rhapsody you know and love and a Dvorak serenade thrown in there for good measure.

The sale and concert are from 10 to 3 on Saturday, Jul. 17, but if you’re super amped about the fancy wares (or really need that cheap tux), there’s a special preview sale the day before (Jul. 16) from 6 to 8 p.m. It’s all happening at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity, 157 Montague St. between Clinton & Henry Sts.

Jonathan Berk :