Plan your summer block party now; it only costs $25 to throw one!

Block Party! Via Brooklyn Knows.

This factoid came to our attention in the depths of last summer, when it was almost too late to do anything about it, but now we are here for you, dear reader, carrying the welcome mat of spring, bringing you all the information you need to seize summer 2k13 by the beautiful throat. You see, it turns out you can throw your own block party this summer for a mere $25.75. Seems like it should be more, right? But it turns out, like soda and fire hydrants, block parties are the providence of the working class, so the city makes the barrier for entry low. You need 90 days notice to set one up, which means June 10 is the earliest you could do one, and there is some paperwork involved, naturally, but not much else. So get on it! And invite us! We gladly offer up Dave Colon as your water balloon target.

The official description of block party, btw, is:

Block party – a community sponsored event requiring the closure of a single block of a street, or a portion thereof, for a single day in which no sales of goods or services occurs.

Side note: while you need 90 days to set up a block party, it only takes 60 days to set up a “religious event.” Is there some outrage to be had here over preferential treatment given to religious groups? Probably. But at least you can bring soda to either.

Tim Donnelly :